Response Systems

We empower Gen customers across the globe with software to maximize their returns from Gen.


Our Solutions

Maximise your productivity

Access Gen is a software productivity tool that delivers the information and process support a Gen project needs to operate at maximum efficiency. It is the culmination of nearly two decades of experience delivering productivity solutions to Gen projects.


Real-time monitoring of Gen applications

Automated Quality Assurance for Gen

Accelerated Gen upgrades

Web services for Gen applications

Delivering Application Reporting, Testing and XML integration for Gen.

Composer Suite leverages the proven model driven development methodology to extend the capabilities of Gen. Rapidly design and deliver Reporting, Testing and XML solutions for your Gen applications.


XML-Enable COBOL, C and Java programs to validate, parse and create XML documents

Generate COBOL, C and Java code in a fraction of the time it takes to hand-write it with XML Thunder, a model-driven approach to code creation that gets your mission-critical programs validating, parsing and creating XML and SOAP messages efficiently and effectively.

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Mainframe and distributed platform solutions

Only Broadcom offers a comprehensive digital infrastructure management platform that empowers organisations to develop and deliver digital services and apps and deliver them with reliability, scalability security and compliance in multi-cloud distributed IT environments.
